As for further or fundamental artistic expression, I write scientific texts, articles or poems. As a medium, text underlines collective or wider knowledge. I am open to discuss the following topics in lectures, talks or exhibitions: Rescue huts – Architecture and research in climatic zones of the extreme – Focus: Iceland. | current | PhD project (on demand) Icebergs – reproducing nature | 2019 (link) Chronology of an exhibition building – From the Vorarlberger Landesgalerie to Kunsthaus Bregenz (AUT) | with interviews of Edelbert Köb, Christine Rhomberg, Rudolf Sagmeister, Markus Unterkircher & Peter Zumthor | 2019 | Master Thesis (on demand or via the library of Merseburg University of Applied Sciences) Thinking life as virus – DNA as nomadic surviving strategy | 2016 (link) From Spaceship Earth to mountain hut – Zoom from space to private | 2015 | Diploma (on demand)